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Stop Running From Feeling.

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I know you.

Because I am you.


When you Know something is missing - You won't stop searching until you find understanding.


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Stop Running From Feeling.

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Have you
ever said:


“I’m stuck.”

“I’m overwhelmed.”

“I know I have more to give… but I don’t know how.”


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Bring self-development to a new understanding through Integrative Sessions with the Founder of:

The Human Maintenance Program™

  • Create & Reach your Goals without burnout. (Or... recover from burnout and never do that again)
  • Choose how you respond instead of reacting in life. (Stop throwing chairs on a reality show in your mind)
  • Understand your own motivations behind your actions. (why do I keep doing/saying/thinking this thing?!)
  • Allow the body to have sensations & finally understand how to translate them. (Ohhhh… That’s what Anxiety was trying to tell me!)


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The Human Maintenance ProgramTM  is a 90-day 1:1 Coaching program where you will have the opportunity to:

  • Move from response, not just react in life (stop throwing chairs on a reality show in your mind)
  • Understand your own motivations behind your actions (why do I keep doing/saying/thinking this thing?!)
  • Allow the body to have sensations & finally understand how to translate them
    (Ohhhh… That’s what Anxiety was trying to tell me?)
Apply to Work with Alecia >>

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Stop Running From Feeling.

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I know you.

Because I am you.


When you Know something is missing - You won't stop searching until you find understanding.



The Human Maintenance Program Logo


Bring self-development to a new understanding through Integrative Sessions with the Founder of:

The Human Maintenance ProgramTM  

  • Create & Reach your Goals without burnout. (Or... recover from burnout and never do that again)

  • Choose how you respond instead of reacting in life. (Stop throwing chairs on a reality show in your mind)

  • Understand your own motivations behind your actions (why do I keep doing/saying/thinking this thing?!)

  • Allow the body to have sensations & finally understand how to translate them (Ohhhh… That’s what Anxiety was trying to tell me!)

Apply Now >>

A Message from Alecia:

I'm very glad you're here. Reading This. Right Now...


It's time to learn how to bridge the chasm between what you feel and think inside and what happens outside.


I'm sure you've been through a lot in life. In this system and in imperfection. And you're at a place where you need help. You've been the one who has kept it all together. The one who everyone turns to. Or perhaps, you've felt misunderstood for so long and have no idea how to even ask for support anymore.

You're probably intelligent and brain heavy but feel a bit dumb when it comes to understanding the body and emotions... It's like your brain went to Harvard and your body is still in Kindergarten.

Now, it’s your turn to get support like you’ve never experienced before.

You can do this.

It is possible to reach your goals - no matter what they are - and not be driven by reaction to things in the moment, or the past, or to our own counterproductive beliefs.

Let’s learn to walk along-side of imperfection together.

Most People walk through life like a Lion or a Chicken.


Which one are you?

I Am A Lion: 

If you relate to the Lion then you are very capable and strong externally. People will rely on you and ask for your help in many situations. You may find it difficult to ask for help or when you do finally ask, you don't get help that is actually supportive. You are usually super competent externally and feel super messy internally (although you may hate this and feel like it's the secret of all secrets).

PS: This has nothing to do with Extroversion. Just how people seem to relate to you as you walk through the world.

I Am A Chicken:

If you relate to the Chicken then you find yourself often having people question your competence. People readily come to your aid and assume that you need more help than you do. You have so much to offer, but often find yourself not being able to have the confidence to express your capabilities. You usually feel super messy externally and are super confident internally (although you may question that).

PS: This has nothing to do with Introversion. Just how people seem to relate to you as you walk through the world.

My Dear Lions & Chickens:

It is vital to begin understanding HOW you walk through the world Externally and HOW you experience the world Internally.

Without this Self-Understanding, there will always seem to be a Chasm between what you are experiencing in your mind and body and how people are treating you.

This leads to feelings of:

  • Isolation.
  • Confusion.
  • Stagnation & Stuck.
  • Saying Yes & Meaning No.
  • Getting Burned Out.
  • Not Experiencing What You Know You Are Capable Of.
  • Imposter Syndrome.
  • And all sorts of Trauma Patterns being played out over and over again. 

The Thing Is... You're Not Actually a Chicken or a Lion.


You're a Human.

Me too.


And that's why I've created the Human Maintenance Program™

Supporting Humans to balance their internal and external worlds through a combination of:
  • Trauma-Informed Coaching
  • Compassionate Mentoring
  • Creative Educating

"Underachievement and Overachievement is almost the same thing.  Underachievement makes you live under a bridge. But with overachievement, you live under a bridge you own."

-Terry Crews

Ready to Begin Working Together?

1. Take a moment to read through the overview information below. You'll see how Alecia has set up Integrative Sessions & all that is included.
2. Fill out the Form: Apply to Work With Alecia. 
3. Book your free Discovery call wit Alecia.

Program Overview


The Groundbreaker Experience

Six sessions, held weekly, with access to a collection of video and written materials designed to support your process and your goals.


  • Six, 90-min Sessions with Alecia via Zoom over 90 days
  • Access to the following amazing Interactive Program Materials while receiving Integrative Sessions:
    • The HMP Interactive Course- For the life of the course
    • Resiliency Exercises
    • VIA Character Profile
  • Any or all Integrative Session Perks listed below
Apply to Work with Alecia >>

 The Human Maintenance Program

The HMP Interactive Course & Live Progress Workshops

Interactive Course (also available as an App).  This course was developed in part to guide you through:

  • Understanding your Nervous System
  • How to Support Yourself & Others during Challenges
  • Practical Application & Exercises for Daily Living


Live Coregulation Workshops designed to give support in your HMP Adventures. This is the time to check in with what you have learned and refocus as you move courageously move forward!

  • Real World Readiness Training - taking one topic from the course and exploring it further
  • Self-Breema Exercises
  • Resiliency Exercises
  • Live Q&A through Chat
  • OPTION: Watch Live or Watch Later

The HMP Resiliency Exercises

You will receive at least 1 recorded mind-body practice designed to cultivate inner awareness & resilience. 

Throughout working together, you may receive more than 1 or even a Personalized Resiliency Exercise depending on what is the best support for you as we work together.

Resiliency Exercises gently guide you to connect with your nervous system's sense of safety, a foundation for overall well-being. They are all designed & created by Alecia to empower you to navigate life's challenges with greater ease.

My hope is that this kind of support will empower you to navigate life's challenges with greater ease. As we pack our metaphorical backpacks, we embark on this journey of self-discovery together. One breath at a time.

Through Co-regulation we build a stronger connection to Self-Regulation.

Mindfulness and Character Strengths Report

Cultivate active awareness of your best qualities.

Receive your personalized report to more fully understand and connect to your inherent strengths and values. Cultivate a relationship to your inner strengths in ways that will support you to continue finding balance and growing as the amazing Human you are!

From the VIA Institute of Character Study:

"Become Authentically Present in your Life

The practice of mindfulness involves “waking up” to life. It is a skill that can be developed to enhance self-awarenessreduce stressimprove mental health and boost your relationships. The Mindfulness and Character Strengths Report is a guide to understanding how to bring an active awareness to your best qualities to live a more engaged, purposeful life."

Integrative Session Perks Include:  


Unyte Safe and Sound Protocol

An evidence-based and trauma-informed listening therapy, the SSP helps shift the nervous system to be more present and regulated while improving client capacity for connection and receptivity to other therapies.


Connection between Sessions

Do you have questions for Alecia in between Sessions? Want to have a place for taking notes to remember what you want to bring into your next session?

We got you! You'll be set up with Telegram - an amazing App to stay connected with Alecia throughout your time working together.

Essential Insights from Session - A Personalized Album

Receive a Personalized Album* from Alecia based on your work together.

See expressions of your sessions come to life in a way that is validating and surprisingly grounding.

*Personalized Albums are received as a Digital Download

Resource Features 


Unyte Safe and Sound Protocol

An evidence-based and trauma-informed listening therapy, the SSP helps shift the nervous system to be more present and regulated while improving client capacity for connection and receptivity to other therapies.


Connection between Sessions

Do you have questions for Alecia in between Sessions? Want to have a place for taking notes to remember what you want to bring into your next session?

We got you! You'll be set up with Telegram - an amazing App to stay connected with Alecia throughout your time working together.

Integrative Session Folk Art

Receive a personalized drawing* from Alecia based on your work together.

See an expression of your sessions come to life in a way that is validating and surprisingly grounding.

*Digital download included. Original drawing available for purchase separately.


"Coaching Sessions with Alecia have helped me to act and think from a place of balanced thinking and reactivity.

I can now work on building a more stable, balanced life, not ruled by a dysregulated nervous system.

Sessions with Alecia really helped me recognize what is coming from a place of dysregulation and false beliefs and what is truth."

- L.H., New York, USA


"The amount of crisis I was feeling towards each decision, those are harsh conditions to live in. And I was so busy running around trying to solve everything that ever was, that I couldn’t really hear anything or see anything as it really is. Alecia created a place where we could sit... and take a breath... and take a restAlecia has helped me see that there is a place of Possibility. And that I don’t have to go anywhere because I can find it inside myselfIt's hard to find words good enough to describe what it does to the human soul for someone to just be with you. As you are. And bear witness to your experience."

- L.S. Maine, USA

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Apply To Work With Alecia

Humility | Courage | Honesty | Curiosity



The Human Maintenance Program™

It's Hard - Until It's Not - And Then It Still Is.